Honest, Individualized And Vigorous Representation In The State Of Ohio

An Experienced And Aggressive Canfield Traffic Violations Attorney

Traffic violations happen every day in Canfield, and there is always the chance that you could find yourself facing a ticket or allegations that you have broken traffic laws. The most serious violations can take away your driving privileges and potentially land you in jail. They could also put your employment in jeopardy, especially if you drive for a living.

At Billak Law, the experienced legal team understands that you need aggressive and dedicated legal defense options. You do not have to accept the license suspension or other penalties the prosecutor is threatening. You must understand all the legal options you have and the next steps to take. It pays to work with an established traffic violations lawyer like attorney Damian Billak, who has more than 25 years of experience helping drivers explore their defense options.

Common Reasons To Call A Traffic Ticket Attorney

There are many types of traffic violations in Ohio, ranging from relatively minor ones like speeding to what the law calls “major traffic offenses.” These include:

  • Traffic violations that result in a fatal car accident
  • Reckless driving
  • A third OVI/DUI

Beyond points on your driver’s licenses, these charges can be handled as criminal felonies. A conviction could mean prison time and a felony record. Other traffic violations are less serious but can still trigger a license suspension or revocation.

Trying to handle these matters yourself could result in serious errors that take away options to preserve your freedom and driving privileges.

Call Now For A Free Consultation With A Traffic Violations Attorney

It’s important to hire the right Canfield traffic violations attorney to fight traffic tickets, especially if your license is in jeopardy. To meet with with a proven traffic ticket lawyer, just call 330-838-6172 today or use the online contact portal to schedule a completely free consultation.